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 » Home » About the Artist/Author » Gabrielle Long

 About Gabrielle Long

   Gabrielle has been drawing since she was about 4 years of age, and has developed her artistic skills a bit since then.  Her range of media includes oils, pastels, pencil, pen and ink, acrylics, scratchboards, and a new interest in computer generated graphics.  When she's not drawing or painting (or doing hugeacious papers for imposing college professors), this Zelda fanatic likes to break down with her NES, SNES, or N64.  She also likes to play the bass guitar, and likes to listen to any classic rock music she can get her hands on!!!

Favorite Quote:  "Never underestimate stupid people in large groups."

Webmaster's Two Cents
   Gabrielle is a fantastic artist and author, and the cutest thing this side of the Mississippi, with her kitty ears and southern accent!  How much talent can this little box of giggles contain?!?  She is the most amazing thing since sliced bread, but she doesn't fit in a bread box...

 I am a Shirley Temple!

Gabrielle's Art can also be found at these sites:

Gabrelle's FanFic can also be found at these sites:
